GA4 Is Almost The “Norm”—Is Your Organization Prepared? 


Here’s what you need to know to make your transition a success. 

Successful GA4 implementation looks different for everyone. Going in with a comprehensive strategy is critical—the only question is, what does that look like? 

The truthful answer is it’s as extensive as your business’s marketing channels are. GA4 is expected to cause a tidal wave of chain reactions in the marketing world over the next few months. To help you stay ahead of the curve, we’ve put together a helpful guide for successful GA4 execution across your organization. 

First things first: The basics of GA4 

Before you start assessing how GA4 will affect your marketing landscape, we want to be sure it’s implemented correctly and in compliance with Google’s current best practices. We’ve summarized this process in helpful steps below: 

  1. Prepare Analytics data collection for the first time. If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to create your Analytics account. If you have already done this, you’ll want to optimize your profile. Many start with basic naming and identification. You’ll then want to add a data stream. You have the option of selecting streams from iOS, Android, or websites.*
    1. We do want to note: If you choose to harvest from websites you’ll need a tag added to your native builder, or directly to your webpage. 
  2. Implement GA4 to a Universal Analytics site. This process is simple if you have a pre-existing property. As of the time of this publication, the setup process will seamlessly connect you to secondary GA4 property alongside your pre-existing one—with the option to have both continue collecting data. 
  3. Use GA4 in a native site builder. This option is most appropriate if you use a CMS or host, such as WordPress or Shopify. 

What does GA4 affect? 

There are several key areas of marketing that GA4 will affect. Understanding these trickledown possibilities will help you to build a more resilient marketing and implementation strategy. 

Some key areas to consider effects within include: 

  • SEO. While GA4 has a major impact on Google Ads, it can also affect SEO—albeit on the back end. With GA4, you can expect more comprehensive and accurate data regarding user sessions, which can enhance your current SEO strategy. Additionally, a heavier emphasis will be placed on key UX factors, possibly resulting in a more competitive site. 
  • Pay-per-click (PPC). Similarly to SEO, PPC marketers and specialists in your organization can expect a similar shift toward more comprehensive and useful data tracking, which can positively impact your conversion rates. Expected to see specific shifts in conversion tracking and unique actions per session/engagement metrics.
    • Google Ads. GA4 is empowering users to use cross-channel conversion and fractional credits from GA4 properties that have been pre-set. This is a more accurate and optimized campaign strategy for most, assuming it’s set up correctly. 

Here is a closer look at every technical change that GA4 will impact in reporting. Ensuring you are operating out of the same Measurement ID so all vendors and partners accessing your data are aligned is key to overall success.

Simplify your GA4 migration process 

The GA4 deadline is July 1st, 2023. If you are an existing Reunion Marketing partner, congratulations – your GA4 setup has been completed for quite some time now! For all you other business out there, your agency should have been speaking to you about this shift for months now and updated your Analytics at no charge. If this is not the case, feel free to give us a call.
For more information about GA4 migration and digital marketing for your organization, connect with the team at Reunion Marketing today. We’re here to help—and are ready to work alongside your team to make your transition and marketing experience a success.

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