Here’s a List of the Most Used One-Word Terms in Car Shopper Queries

Image of keyboard with an overlay of search symbols in a blue hue

You build the foundation of an effective digital marketing strategy by understanding how car shoppers search. We recently analyzed more than 10 million search queries from our network of nearly 200 dealers across the nation to see what needs were driving people to their sites.

We shared some details about how query length and intent affect impressions, then offered a few tips to leverage that information.

Let’s take that a step further today.

From a large segment of those queries, we noted that a handful of one-word terms showed up in the greatest number of search impressions.

Quick clarification: You’ll see generic terms on the list like “make” and “geo.” These are umbrella terms for what we see in specific searches.

  • “Make” is a term we use instead of listing out every single car brand.
  • “Geo” is a term that replaces all of the primary [city], [state], combinations of our dealership network.
A list of two words that represent the keywords with the greatest impressions


Do You Address These Fundamental Keywords?

Look across your website and marketing channels to see if your content utilizes those keywords alongside, when applicable, proper SEO elements.

Here are a few questions to help get you started:

  • Do you have MRPs that cover your top vehicle models?
  • Are you using your geographic location?
  • Are your URLs properly structured?
  • Do you have pages for leasing and service?
  • Are your directories updated?
  • Do your paid search campaigns hit on terms like this?

If the answer to a lot of these questions is “no,” you may want to have a discussion with your agency or internal department.

This is the type of data analysis we do for our partners. In fact, we’ve performed this keyword research for all two, three, four, and five-word combinations that shape our strategies. Though we can’t share that exact data, we use it to build plans that have created all-time highs for a large percentage of our clients.

Make sure your marketing vendor is earning its keep by conducting audits and reviews to net your dealership the greatest traffic and leads. If you’re interested in other audits and data points, we encourage you to contact us for a free digital analysis.

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