What Are Facebook Instant Experience Ads?

It’s never a dull moment in the world of social media advertising; innovations and strategies move lightning fast and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of privacy and in-app updates can make planning tricky. In the automotive industry, Reunion Marketing was proudly one of the first adopters of On-Destination Automotive Inventory Ads, but what about the other ad types offered to advertisers? This blog post will inform and dissect Facebook’s Instant Experience Ads – an interactive ad type that’s not-so-frequently discussed.

What Are Facebook Instant Experience Ads?

According to Meta, with a Facebook Experience Ad “people can watch engaging videos and photos, swipe through carousels, quickly view your products, and explore lifestyle images with tagged products. It can be used with all Facebook ad formats–Carousel, Single Image, Video and Collection.”

This ad type is only mobile-friendly, so if your goal is to drive up mobile traffic and encourage more mobile shopping, this investment might be worth the budget. With such emphasis put on compelling visuals, this ad type is a great way to do some brand storytelling and set customer expectations about what it’s like doing business with your dealership

How Do Instant Experience Ads Work?

Facebook has made things simple with a pre-build Instant Experience template that can be utilized, or you can curate an ad independently and create an image or video ad yourself. The specs to getting an ad like this started is conveniently located here as a Facebook Business Ad Guide.

Instant Experience Ads are incredibly fast-loading, similar to the AIA. Also similar to our philosophy to Lead Generation, you can convert people right inside Facebook Instant Experience. For example, you can create an instant form template and gather leads.

Understand Image-Based Ads

With Instant Experience Ads, images use the full width of the screen, making the ad experience as immersive as possible. Up to 20 images can be supported and utilized within the ad.

Understand Video-Based Ads

Video as the medium for these ads is by-far the most popular option, as it encourages users to scroll and interact. It’s important to know the requirements for these videos. All videos will be set to autoplay on loop with sound off, so it’s important to keep that top-of-mind if you are utilizing a voiceover. And just like with the image-based ads, videos can be set to appear full width and fit the shoppers screen.

Should you try Facebook Instant Experience Ads?

If your social media goals include:

  • Going deeper with brand storytelling
  • Encouraging more mobile traffic 
  • Retargeting previously engaged shoppers with as compelling content as possible
  • Running new tests to see what ROAS you yield 

Then, Instant Experience ads could be a potential win for your dealership. What else are you interested in learning about when it comes to social media advertising? Let us know at salesteam@reunionmarketing.com.

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