Importance of Staff Supporting Customer Service

Reunion Marketing has been a tremendous learning experience. But of all the things I’ve discovered, the most shocking might be the subpar level of customer service that some of the vendors we work with deliver. I intend to run through some examples of what makes good customer service, further illustrating that point with some poor examples that I’ve encountered time and time again.

As a Marketing Manager, a major facet of my job is to ensure that each client request is handled properly and efficiently. This is crucial for Reunion Marketing’s success, giving our clients the highest level of customer services and simultaneously delivering amazing results.

To do this, I build relationships.

That’s why I make sure customer requests receive an immediate response, as well as a specific timeline of when the job will be accomplished. Today, I’m writing this post because of some frustrations we, as a company, have encountered with other vendors when we are trying to fulfill simple tasks for our clients.

It is, unfortunately, not uncommon for us to face a time-sensitive situation that requires an update on  website platform and get this response:


Oh, an automated response? That’s cool. At least I know they received the request … But there is no timeline for completion and a range of 1-3 days before contact is made. That is not acceptable.

We recently started a paid search campaign and needed the tracking code to be installed on the dealership’s site. This provider has, at this point, taken more than three days to even respond. Unfortunately, we are unable to perform a lot of these tasks due to the platform’s limitations, so this is where my frustration lies. If a vendor insists on complete control of the platform, it’s vital that a better effort is made to complete some of the urgent requests.

Reunion Marketing enforces a rule: a client must get a response within one day (usually 10 minutes) of a client email, call, or text. The response includes an alert that the team is working on the project and a timeline for anticipated completion.

So … Here are a few ways that I judge if a vendor gives me support that goes above and beyond:

  1. I receive a response from an actual person letting me know they have received my email, phone call, or text (this should be easy).
  2. A realistic timeline is given for completion.
  3. Achieving the deadline! This sounds like it should be easy, but the most frustrating news to give a client is a deadline wasn’t met.
  4. One thing I make sure happens internally is if we run into a snag on a project for one of our clients we let them know that an issue arises. Constant and upfront communication is crucial in building the trust between you and the clients.
  5. Quality of the work. This is one where we have run into where a job is completed, but it isn’t done correctly. The process is then prolonged. Make sure your work is double-checked before it’s sent back to the client.
  6. Asking how you can improve the process. If a job is completed and it has some snags please ask how you can improve it in the future. The number of times from vendors where I have had the same issue occur is unacceptable. Internally, the team needs to communicate because on multiple occasions I have been told a client can’t complete a task when another member is telling me something different.


As you can tell, I had a wonderful day dealing with vendors! All kidding aside, I really do value my relationships with each of our partners. Some do extremely well with providing service to us and the clients, but the number of ones who lack in this department is staggering. Our motto at Reunion Marketing is our client’s success is what makes our success. This is a direct correlation with customer service and should be taken more seriously by companies.

You may be working with a digital marketing partner who moves at a glacial pace and underwhelms you with “service” and ambiguous deadlines. If so, you might be interested in the fiery dedication of Reunion Marketing.

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