Beyond the Boost: Building a Plan to Maximize Facebook Ad Campaign Objectives

Boosting a post can be a great way to begin your Facebook advertising journey. While you’ve got a great start to attracting authentic followers, you want to capitalize on the business page algorithm change and get your posts in front of more people beyond your organic reach.

So, you probably started your ad journey by boosting an existing wall post.

Successful advertising on Facebook requires you to deviate from the boosted post. At 1.79 billion, Facebook has more monthly active users than WhatsApp (500 million), Twitter (284 million), and Instagram (200 million) — combined.

What is the state of your current Facebook ad strategy to reach all these users?

Don’t be afraid to take your Facebook advertising beyond the boost post feature. But before you do so, you need a strategy to deliver your ad to the right people using one of the fifteen campaign objective types that makes the most sense for what you’re trying to accomplish. Learn how to move beyond boosting a post by exploring the different types of ad campaigns available to Facebook marketers.

Exploring Your Facebook Campaign Objective Options

You first need a plan to decide the best fit of a Facebook campaign objective for the type of ad you want to make. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What do you want to accomplish with your ad? Are you trying to generate interest in a grand opening? Do you want to collect leads? Would you like people to download your app? Having an idea of what you want to achieve is paramount to selecting the right fit.
  2. What do you want people to do with your ad? Do you want them to book a service, redeem a coupon, or enter information? Make it as easy as possible for them to take action using the right objective.
  3. Do you have an audience built out specific to your ad? First, you’ll want to build up an audience that is highly targeted. If you just select everyone within 50 miles of your business, most might not be interested in your ad, causing it to underperform. To get the most bang for your buck, learn about highly targeted Facebook ad audiences.
  4. Where does your audience fit into the sales funnel?  Does your ad’s creatives (graphics and text) match the point in the sales funnel where your customers can be found? For example, you don’t need to serve a general awareness ad to your customer database because they already know your brand. Instead, you’d want to select an objective to increase participation and conversion opportunities from existing customers.
  5. Speaking of creative aspect, what do you want your ad’s creative elements to convey? Will you be using a video? Do you have a customized image? Will you need to build an attractive, conversion-friendly page on your website to send people to who click on your ad? Knowing the artistic vision of your ad will also help determine which objective is best.

Once you have your plan in place, it’s time to build your ad.

You’ll first need to choose which type of campaign objective fits your ad best. Facebook has now divided its campaign objectives into three categories of five types each: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

marketing objective

Depending on which objective you choose, you can select …

  1. When you want your ad to run
  2. Your placements (not all placements are available for each objective)
  3. Manual or automatic bidding
  4. Much, much more

The final set of choices are where you build the actual creative part of your ad, including text, images, link descriptions, and other chances to convey your message.

To return to the car dealership oil change special, the manager decides to build an audience in the same 20-mile radius as the boosted post, but this time targeting auto service buyers who are already interested in oil changes and other vehicle services as well as owners of the particular marque.

The manager now has a variety of options in campaign objectives to get the word out for the oil change special. One option would be “Conversion: Get people to claim your offer” objective alongside catchy copy. Another choice for an effective campaign objective would be to send potential customers to a destination off Facebook, a page on the dealership’s website built specifically for the oil change special with an option for the customer to conveniently schedule an oil change without leaving the page or having to make a phone call. Yet another could be a cleverly shot video that stands out from all the other videos on a person’s news feed.

Regardless of objective choice, the manager has now made it easy for the customer to complete a specific action due to planning out the ad and has made the customer more aware of the special that a boosted post wouldn’t quite achieve.

Go Forth and Make Your Ads

If you are ready to explore how to deliver your ad beyond boosting posts, have some fun with it!

Run some A/B testing to see which objective is the right choice. But if you’re not quite there, our team of social media paid ad specialists brings expertise and knowledge to running effective campaigns for you, no matter your budget. We’ll help your ad shine brightly in people’s social media feeds. Contact us today.

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